
The Pensions Dashboards Week (PDW) was an educational initiative, launched by Bravura, which featured a series of online sessions between 23-27 September 2024. The webinars were focused on dashboards, UK pensions and the future of investment technologies. This year’s theme, The Voice of the Consumer, offered an opportunity to pause and reimagine how we can all work together towards one ultimate goal – serving consumers better.

The webinars are free to watch and covered a range of themes – find their recordings below.

Pensions Dashboards Week 2024 was supported by:

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Pensions Dashboards Week 2024 PDW2024 Monday session will cover consumer needs and wants as well as future innovation.


Pensions 2045: Understanding the voice of the consumer

Pensions dashboards are a catalyst for innovation and a vital step forward to modernise the UK’s pension industry. But how are members planning to use them and how will they address broader systemic issues the sector is currently facing? In this webinar, a panel of industry experts will discuss how the industry can centre innovation around the current and future needs of UK savers over the next 20 years.

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Pensions Dashboards Week 2024 PDW2024 Tuesday session will examine the pensions dashboards implemented in other jurisdictions in the EU, and the Australian pot for life framework.


The Space Race of Pensions Dashboards

The Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden have already implemented their own versions of pensions dashboards, while Australia has adopted a ‘Pot for Life’ approach to simplify superannuation for members. As the UK gears up for pensions dashboards to go live, tune in to this session where the industry experts will highlight valuable lessons the UK can learn from international markets to better support savers as they approach different stages of their retirement journey.

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Pensions Dashboards Week 2024 PDW2024 Wednesday session will discuss the need to greater personalisation of products and services in UK pensions, the potential of AI technologies in this area and how to keep your member data evergreen.


Data, AI and dashboards – a match made in heaven?

From digitising millions of member records to adopting revolutionary tech, dashboards will be an opportunity for the UK pensions sector to truly transform itself. This webinar will explain why members are increasingly expecting personalised products, services and improved digital experiences and how data and AI will help turbo-charge these initiatives post dashboards. Of course, all this involves the handling of sensitive data, so the session will also cover the importance for the industry to change by engaging and building a trust relationship with the members.

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Also, don’t forget to check out PMI’s PensTech and Admin Summit 2024

Pensions Dashboards Week 2024 PDW2024 Thursday session will cover the macroeconomic forces and policy issues impacting the UK pensions. Also, the regulators' views on how firms can best navigate change in this dynamic environment.


Pensions continuity in an uncertain world

The only constant is change and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to UK pensions. In this session, we’ll hear directly from the regulators about the need to have a long-term, clear and coherent strategy to meet the evolving consumer needs, modernise pensions and help increase member engagement. The speakers will also look to address key questions about the Pensions Dashboards Programme and whether we can expect a change of direction following July’s General Election.

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Pensions Dashboards 101 (CPD accredited)

The pensions industry is famously guilty of overusing acronyms and industry jargon and dashboards are no exception. From the PDP and CDA, to ISP and APIs, this educational and informative session will look to decode the pensions dashboards universe and leave attendees with a better understanding of how they work and how they will benefit both members and pension providers. This webinar will equip you with essential knowledge to navigate the world of pensions dashboards effectively.

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