The Meet the team series provides an insight into the dedicated team of experts that support Bravura’s game-changing Sonata Alta BPaaS proposition to super funds. In this next installment of our Meet the Team series, we meet Sam Gosios – Operating Model Product Manager for Sonata Alta.

Name: Sam Gosios
Role/Title: Operating Model Product Manager – Sonata Alta
Qualifications and certifications: CPA accredited, Bachelor of Science (Honors), Masters in Accounting and Finance

Tell us a little more about your background

I have over 20 years of broad experience working with superannuation, insurance and banking organisations, mainly in operational management roles. I’ve led large change projects, delivered trustee/super fund mergers and transitions, run RFPs and Proof of Concept with tier one vendors, negotiated and managed contracts with service providers, and consulted to executives and boards in financial services organisations and professional services firms. More recently, I worked on digitalisation and automation projects.

I have a passion for delivering frictionless customer experiences, automating and digitising tasks, driving positive change and finding new savings and growth opportunities. I enjoy working with large customer and membership organisations to deliver ideas that result in the very best possible customer experience.  This includes partnering with key stakeholders such as project teams, executives, boards, and other key stakeholders. 

How are you supporting the Sonata Alta solution?

As Operating Model Product Manager, I’m responsible for managing the ongoing integrity for Sonata Alta business processes as part of an ongoing service.  My team and I have an important client support role, but we also have a responsibility to ensure we preserve the capability and performance of the hosted Sonata Alta platform.

I lead a dedicated team that has also been newly created to support the Sonata Alta proposition. As a team, we develop and deliver solutions and support services to super fund clients as part of the Sonata Alta customer offering.

What makes your role unique to the Sonata Alta proposition for super funds?

My role as Operating Model Product Manager is a new and unique role at Bravura. The role was brought into existence to specifically work with clients and constructively create solution designs, functional specifications and workflow orchestration within the Sonata Alta platform. 

I look forward to working closely with our current and future super fund clients on implementing our game-changing Sonata Alta proposition.

Sonata Alta

Sonata Alta

Superannuation administration, reimagined

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