Head of Legal – EMEA
Global bWell Lead
My career journey with Bravura began 11 years ago in the Sydney office in Australia, where I joined as a legal counsel after cutting my teeth as a solicitor both in private practice and in government. It was an exciting time to join Bravura – one of my first jobs was working on the contract that saw the launch of Bravura’s flagship next-generation wealth management and life insurance software solution Sonata. After a few years earning my stripes end consolidating my experience in APAC, I was ready to take what I had learned and apply that in EMEA. I relocated to London in 2015 and was back in the deep end, working on other larger and transformative deals for the company.
In my role as Head of Legal EMEA, I tackle a variety of legal issues impacting the business. These will include commercial contracts, acquisitions, procurement, corporate matters and disputes. As you might suspect, no two days are the same and I relish interacting with the many demands involved in the role. My enjoyment of course is helped massively by the people I work with.
In addition to this I am the Lead on our Global bWell (mental health) programme. I am firmly of the view that looking after mental health is vital to enjoying life and work. The staple in my daily wellbeing routine is meditation and I am pleased to see that power of meditation has become progressively more recognised in the business world in recent years. I have been meditating every day for over 10 years. I find it is brilliant for helping me to stay calm, keeping me energised and reducing stress and anxiety all at the same time.
I am so proud to work for a company that has taken the initiative in making mental wellbeing a transparent and strategic priority. I have always been interested in wellbeing, both physical and mental, and the need for both was made prominent by the impact of Covid-19 globally. Establishing our mental wellbeing initiative is putting Bravura ahead of the curve in the market. If we are to navigate the demands of change successfully it is crucial that everyone in the business is functioning at their best – physically and mentally, personally and for the company. For Bravura to be able to boast about its very advanced approach to the good health of all of its employees is no longer a luxury. We need to be addressing these key issues if we are to continue to be a highly relevant provider in the market, one with which other companies will find it hard to compete.