Georgia Stewart, CEO of Tumelo joined Emma Napier and Justine Pattullo on our #BVSinConversation series. Georgia brings a new vision to the pension industry by raising the transparency between the investor/member, fund manager and provider.
In this episode, you can expect to hear about Georgia’s experience of building Tumelo, the willingness from providers to participate in helping investors to gain more transparency, accountability from fund managers through their feedback functionality, the role of consumer advocates in helping to raise the importance of sustainable investing as well as how tech is playing a pivotal part in communications with particular focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisting with investor preferences. We also discussed pensions dashboards, open banking, open finance, open wealth and heaps more!
Stay tuned or head over to LinkedIn or Twitter using hashtag #BVSinConversation for more discussion – and of course, all feedback is welcome.